General Fishing Rules
- No barbecues or fires allowed on site. Only camping stoves.
- No dogs allowed on the premises whatsoever.
- Children are always welcome but under 14’s must be accompanied by an adult.
- Barbless, single hooks only.
- Each angler must have a suitable landing net for all catches.
- Unhooking mat compulsory.
- No braided lines to be used. No lure fishing.
- No keep nets, unless fishing in an official match.
- No more than two rods per person.
- A current rod licence must be in force and produced upon request.
- Do not fish over or through the reeds and plant life.
- Fish only from the designated swims.
- Do not use multiple swims unless you vacate the previous swim taking all your tackle etc. with you.
- Your ticket allows you to use the whole site with exception of reserved swims.
- All vehicles including push bikes to be parked in designated car parks only and are not to venture on to any other part of the site.
- Radios, personal stereos and the like are not permitted unless used with headphones and must not be heard by the next swim.
- No cutting or damaging trees, bushes, reeds or any other plant growth.
- All fish caught on this lake to be returned as soon as possible to the spot they were landed.
- No peanuts, tiger nuts or blood worm jokers.
- No litter or waste tackles to be left on the banks. Please take your litter home with you.
- No wading.
- Boilers only to be used on the hook, not to be loose fed. Only non bio-degradable baits allowed.
- Hours of fishing are dawn till dusk unless a night ticket is obtained.
- Please do not climb banks surrounding the north-west side of Finch’s main lake.
- Finch Farm accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to fishing tackle, cars, persons or any other property, however caused.
- Spectators only by prior agreement, one per angler. Guest tickets cost £5 for day fishing, £10 for night fishing.
- Minimum line weight 25lb on the cat lake.
- We reserve the right to add or amend the rules as a situation arises.

Pike Fishing Rules
Before fishing, report to Lech or the office.
- Pike season starts October 1st and ends March 15th.
- Only dead bait and spinners can be used. No live bait to be used whatsoever.
- Traces made of nylon covered wire or stainless steel e. use 7 strand wire trace – these are to be handmade of a min 24” (60cm) and not less than 25lb breaking strain.
- A large unhooking mat
- Landing nets. Arms no shorter than 36” long.
- 12” artery forceps and a pair of side cutters that are able to cut problem hooks caught in pike through tissue or gill rakers.
- An adequate carp/pike weighing sling.
- A sensitive and effective bite detector system that shows drop back bites as well as runs.
- Only one single treble hooks barbless size 10 to 4.
- No plugs only spinners as shown in Shack.
- Your main line must be no less than 15lb breaking strain.
Dead bait on sale from the Shack.
Ask Lech.